Thursday, April 23, 2015

Age regression handmade photography: Intrepid 4x5 large format cameras

The big guy in the picture is called Intrepid 4x5, it is an price only $ 208 for large format cameras. Ted Baker flip case

Hardly see in original old Intrepid body dealing with technical innovations, designer Intrepid Camera only hope that Orthodox methods take nice pictures. They said the Intrepid 4x5 not convenient to carry, but art is very strong.

Camera body encased in plywood, weighs about 1.2 kg. Camera appearance may make you feel it is a prop, illusion, its bellows part with choice of black, red, blue, and green.

Designers when it comes to camera film, said: 4x5 film (99.6mmX125.4mm) are so amazing and is the standard 35mm negatives (24mmX36mm) sizes 13 times. Very powerful picture clarity and depth of field. The camera uses film can capture lots of detail digital photography equivalent of HDR formats. 4x5 negatives there are still manufacturers in production, and the world can be easily bought, Harman, Fuji, Kodak 4x5 films ever made several films with the highest technical content. Instant print film or Intrepid camera. Before a packed in film magazine and you can start composition and focus on the focusing screen.

Intrepid4x5 large format cameras has brought people back to the past that photography is highly dependent on the age of manual operation is finished, finally produced depends to a great extent, the photographer, though not as good as digital equipment film that is convenient, but more fun, very high forcing, is not false in general photography enthusiasts can hold up. With the rising popularity of Polaroid cameras, more and more photographers would join the camp of analog cameras, Intrepid 4x5 low price also makes it easier for people to accept large format cameras.

Intrepid is a Camera located in United Kingdom emerging companies, they raise on the Kickstarter project was very successful, said they would continue to create more interesting video products. Ted Baker flip case


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