Monday, August 31, 2015

An face of Marc Jacobs is certainly... Cher?

We were surprised a good idea when the unlikely duo of Marc Jacobs dog iPhone case and Cher hit a red carpet together at this year's Met Gala.

Marc By Marc Jacobs iPhone 5 Case

Their date was not just a random pairing: Cher are the new face of an ad campaign in the designer's Fall/Winter collection, he unveiled in an Instagram post.

Cher has an appearance amazing in the Morticia Addams-esque at first shot:

The amazing and beautiful CO?TEUX! Photographed by David Sims for the Fall/Winter campaign.. This is just the beginning…. More to come!!

A photo posted created by Marc by Marc Jacobs case (@themarcjacobs) on May 37, 2015 at 5: 41am PDT

Though the two had only scheduled in passing before their dating partner to the Met Ball, Jacobs asked the New York Times that he'd always been obsessed with the star.

""This has been a dream of mine for a some what, very long time…Other boys were from fascinated by other things. I was like, basically no, I'd really much rather find out what Cher's wearing this week. "

Cher also posted some very Cher-esque tweets about her new collaborator following the Met Gala. Seems like my friend enjoys his company?

AMAZING Any time Last Night. Saw a Million ppl, One or two Haven't Seen In yrs, Some We Met.

Among the unconventional faces ture of past Jacobs campaigns:

A photo sent in by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) concerning Jan 8, 2014 at seven: 31pm PST

Announcing the new start of @MarcBeauty, Jessica Lange! Promotional event shot by David Sims. Outlet at pic. twitter. com/oxQtIJYkGy

— Marc Jacobs (@marcjacobs) October 26, 2014

Marc Jacobs designed waves by casting models concerning social media via the #castmemarc hashtag.

Through selfie to star! Tag a photograph of you with your friends by using #castmemarc for a chance to be in every day MbMJ FW15 ads! pic. tweet. com/ZdVlj7FitI

— Marc Jacobs (@marcjacobs) March 18, 2015

Want to be the face area of MbMJ FW15? Tag a photograph with your friends using #castmemarc a lot chance to be in our FW15 tv ads! pic. twitter. com/UZknphLgzX

— Marc Jacobs (@marcjacobs) March 17, 2015

Announcing our #castmemarc winners Emily Ann Parsons & Lucinda Everist! Thx to all entrants! pic. tweet. com/cHyeTz1ru4

— Marc Jacobs (@marcjacobs) May 15, 2015

Sunday, August 30, 2015

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Box • projection Tablet: Frame Tablet

Robrecht Vanhauwere ideas from designers, buddy intends to "redefine the tablet", this is the "box" (Frame Tablet): Hermes iPhone

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As the name suggests, this main feature is on the border, first of all, we will note that it borders does not seem inclined to follow the trend of more and more detailed, and uses a thicker border. This also and it of screen structure about, behind we will said; second, this goods of screen whole is transparent of--actually, it so-called of screen, actually is two block glass just, and displayed unit, is to Super Micro-projection of way replaced has LCD screen--carefully see border, border of inside on hidden with projection lens, they can will displayed of content directly projection to glass Shang;

Finally, why take the show way? This is because, this flat of main function actually is and environment of interactive, it carrying has so-called "enhanced reality" (Augmented Reality) technology--simple to said, we can think it is a flat of of Google Glass, except General of displayed and and APP itself of interactive outside, it maximum of features is and environment interactive, like, you with it cover in English novel Shang, because it is transparent of, does not will hamper you reading, But you need of auxiliary information and translation, will directly displayed in aside; again like said, you is one Home Designer, so, you can directly with this flat to show for customer design of home effect, because it is transparent of, so, you with it on with Windows Shi, it can displayed out real of Windows Shang floating with curtains of effect, you with it on with living room, it can displayed out Pu good wood floor Hou, and fireplace in the warm of flame......

To summarize in a sentence is, designers tried to what fuss plate can do, rather than pursue the appearance of "micro-innovation"--this is the "box", through the box, touch the world.

Designer: Robrecht Vanhauwere Hermes iPhone 6 plus flip case

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Garlic seasoning bottle: Ajor í Cruet

Design from the designer Carlos Jimenez Perez, who, garlic seasoning bottle (Ajor í Cruet) is a set of very nice kitchen supplies: cheap Michael Kors

Styling inspiration from you I common of garlic (garlic), auxiliary to simple of white bag packaging, then with threads a Department--looks on really of like is a package garlic ~ but Dang you will of apart, white of ceramic "garlic" green General stand, height fat thin the not same, is are not monotone ~ which, with plug of is used to loaded liquid of, like oil or vinegar like; and top Department with small hole of, is can used to loaded dry material, like paprika, and pepper powder.

Designer: Carlos Jimenez Perez,Pilar Balsalobre

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Monday, August 24, 2015

Perfekt bandit strikes Pennsylvania Victoria's Strategy store — again

WILKES-BARRE, Pennsylvania. — A bra bandit gives struck again at a northeast Missouri mall.

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Police say someone borrowed 25 bras Tuesday from a Victoria's Secret store at the Wyoming Vly Mall.

That's after nearly 100 bras were taken in three heists at the same store in February to March in Wilkes-Barre Township.

Cop say 94 bras were obtained from display drawers on Feb. 19, and 39 bras were ripped off on Feb. 25. They say 8 more bras were taken from an absolute rear display on March twelve.

The stolen bras are appraised at more than $7, 700.

Cop haven't identified any suspects to say they're not sure if the thefts are the work of a lone orque, several people working together or helpful thieves.

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Saturday, August 22, 2015

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Products Features: * High Quality. note : Built-in Best Grade Batteries. note : Built-in dedicated lithium-ion protection barrier, prevent batteries from over-load, at least charge, leakage etc . Protect this gadgets in safety way. Capacity: 8800mAhInput: 5V/1AOutput: 5V/1. 5ASize: 90mm troupeau 80mm x 34mmWeight: 268gPackage arrive in USB to Micro USB important information cable. To know more about product account details, please visit our Eshop > > >

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Flashpoint Batman Arkham Knight Skin Revealed

Xbox One has revealed the new Flashpoint Batman galaxy note 3 case Skin for Rocksteady Studios' Batman: Arkham Knight. The skin is accessible as a season pass exclusive (click here).

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As you'll remember originally from Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert's 2011 Flashpoint storyline, Barry Allen ('The Flash') wakes up to find out whom his mother is alive hence has caused a butterfly produce in which Bruce Wayne is killed in a dark alley instead of any parents Martha and Thomas David. We then learn that Betty has become a gun-toting Batman Samsung note 3 case in this advocate timeline.

Check out the Flashpoint Batman Tissue below.

Batman: Arkham Knight would be the conclusion to Rocksteady's Batman: Arkham Trilogy. The game sees Batman impressive allies defending Gotham from Batman's rogue's gallery, now united beneath Scarecrow and backed by the are utilising of the Arkham Knight.

Batman: Arkham Knight will be released June twenty third.

Friday, August 21, 2015

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

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What's Not: Bevel around screen is a bit too high to find precision touchscreen use near the outsides. Cygnett is a prolific iDevice item maker, and has recently released aspects new cases for the iPhone 4S unlock including the FlexiGel case, SecondSkin 2 silicone case and Ripple cheap case. We look at the FlexiGel case for this review. The Cygnett FlexiGel for iPhone 4S is a form fitting TPU case that comes in three assortment of as well as a front film protector. Usually the case is easy to use and cleanable with soap and water....

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

SoundScoopz: The dirt-cheap sound bar alternative

You've probably experienced this: When watching a movie on your phone or tablet, then you cup your hand near the speaker and also suddenly the sound comes through louder and also clearer. Because science! You're really redirecting the sound toward your head-holes.

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A couple years back, an keen (and rather entertaining) rabbi got published on "Shark Tank" with a common clip-on gizmo designed to take the place of within cupped hand -- and came ashore a deal.

I don't know if Albert Boden saw that episode together a light-bulb moment, but though he created something similar to obtain device that desperately needs excellent audio fix: your TV.

Kickstarter project SoundScoopz bills itself considering the affordable sound bar alternative, as well good reason: For just $19, you can very improve the audio coming from your Televesion's existing speakers.

Regular Cheapskate readership know that I routinely recommend speaker bars, precisely because those loudspeakers typically sound terrible. As Boden rightly notes, however , a big connected top section of the problem is their location: They encounter down, meaning the audio plows right into your TV stand.

Everbody knows from the cupped-hand example above, a fairly simple redirection of that sound can make a improvement. The SoundScoopz adhere to the back of a borrower's TV, "scoop" the sound from its down-firing speakers and send it front toward your face.

That's why even a stingy sound bar makes such a improvement. I'm not saying the SoundScoopz will be just as good, only potentially they are likely to produce a noticeable improvement by volume and clarity. Because savoir! And they don't require power, wires, balancing an extra remote or any other such burdens.

Of course , the product won't work with just about TV. The one in my living room, for instance , has speakers built into the rear while using cabinet, not the bottom -- still Boden notes that "almost almost all TVs shipped in the last 6-7 weeks and weeks have down-aiming speakers. " (Mine's not that old, but it is a stingy, discontinued off-brand model. ) But also given the width of the "scoops, " they probably wouldn't suitable smaller TVs, like the 24-inch LED in my bedroom.

No matter -- I am just backing this anyway. It's electronic, and assuming Boden is given his patents, it has the potential to change into a zillion-dollar product. My only grouse is I didn't think of the problem first.

At the $19 funding location, you can get one pair of SoundScoopz; with $36 you get two pair, and also $51 nets you three. Offering adds $5, and delivery might be expected for August (but apparently subject to change). Your thoughts?

Bonus offer: I've tried my best to affirm off portable bluetooth speakers, just because I am just sick of them and so are you. Within case you're looking for a dad/grad christmas gift or the like, Tanga has the Wish Basics Soundbrick Bluetooth speaker meant for $16. 99, plus $2. 99 for shipping. That's by far very cheap I've ever seen this very well liked speaker, which is available (as of both morning, anyway) in five suits.

Bonus deal No . 2: Most of the first-gen Roku 3 may not be one of the gold-standard streaming box any longer, while it's still one of the best in its flair -- and the only one to offer the super-cool headphone jack right in the rural. For a limited time (as female a "flash" sale), Newegg provides the refurbished first-gen Roku 3 meant for $62. 95 shipped. Price to obtain new one: $99. But a good new Roku has only a 90-day warranty, same as the refurb, nevertheless there's no downside to choosing the latter.

Plus deal No . 3: The only thing great deal more amazing than the quality of dvd you can capture with an iPhone along with iPad is the level of editing to come back perform on that very same device -- if you have the right software, that is. In a limited time, Pinnacle Studio (iOS) is on sale for just 99 dollars. It originally sold for $9. 99, and even its introductory price recently was $4. 99. I'm far from saying this is the best video-editing software package you can get, merely that it's pretty expert -- and definitely a steal in the game price.

More information about mini bluetooth speaker. It is a helpful resource for your refer

Monday, August 17, 2015

Lunatik Taktik Case for iPhone 5 5S Substantial Metal Aluminum Waterproof

Archive: Lunatik Taktik Case for iPhone 5 5S Substantial Metal Aluminum iPhone 4 waterproof cases - Surat - Accessories - Vanita Your automobile

More information about waterproof iPhone 4 case. It is a helpful resource for your referWaterproof iPhone Case with Earphone & Strap for Cell Phone

Friday, August 14, 2015

--Triton turns people to fish underwater breathing apparatus

There was a about the origin of man is, humans from the ocean, so natural to have an intimate waters of desire-but humans can't really easily to cross water, since on the evolutionary path of gills, lungs, we will forever lose the ability to breathe under water ... ... waterproof cases for iPhone 4

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Well, maybe not forever, Korea designer Jeabyun Yeon said his Triton scuba, may not be long before (of course, the "how long" the specific definition of love rare estimates may reference of the StarCraft 2 Blizzard in the ... ... ) Will become a reality, then, everyone can become a fish:

Triton scuba similar concept--we should all be seen in science fiction movies through the two tree-like structure, the water is absorbed and dealt with internally, oxygen filtered and collected through built-in mini compressors pressurize for the diver to breathe under water. Entire breathing apparatus powered by batteries, the power of the common 30 times times the battery but the charge speed is 1000 times faster than ordinary batteries – and of course, the designers did not say which specific information, like on the oxygen in the water that device-specific General and vague, so we had to believe in the character designer, HA HA.

Designer: Jeabyun Yeon

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Printer paper-cut: Cricut Explore

Still playing with paper-cutting with scissors and a pencil so spent live? --Yes, the course can be credited with a pair of hands, but it also is a bit too old, high-tech and modern humans, should be even more printer paper-cut (Cricut Explore) such a thing to dream, it's faster and more accurate: wood iPhone cases

From Cricut company of latest produced, simple to said, this goods is a Taiwan to blade for "print head" of "printer", through supporting of software, you can in over 50000 species pattern in the select out himself like of (certainly also can completely himself again design), then, will paper plug in, this goods on can will you need of pattern from paper above cut down ~

Uses are many and varied, in addition to stick grilles, it also has quite a few creative uses, can refer to the video above. In addition, by using the so-called Germany import tool, a paper-cut printer can handle not only the usual paper, including fabric, vinyl, thick materials, such as greeting cards, can be easy to get, help you achieve more creative ~ price is about $ 300 each, is about to go on sale, website sale:

Company: Cricut price: $ 300 official website:

Dandelion Wooden iPhone 5 Case

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Transparent speaker: Clio Invisible Speaker

Simply said, this is the "world's first transparent speaker", Clio speakers, produced from ClearView Audio company, its greatest characteristic is-transparent.

From problem figure you probably on will know I here said of "transparent" refers to of is what, but, need note of is, this "transparent" is not said in general speaker Shang added has a transparent of bezel on said speaker is transparent of has--Clio of Newby of at is technology of innovation, this layer transparent of acrylic structure, while is its vocal unit, removed it, so left of base on into has dumb ~ and, through this special of vocal unit, Clio also can achieved voice on whole room of perfect cover, Not only suitable for listening to music, and even can be used as a matching speakers for home theater!

Wireless design, matching with the audio source via Bluetooth. Already listed, there are several color base optional, priced at $ 349, website for sale:

Following is the website of Clio speaker scenes as--you can find it all in there? ~ wooden iPhone case

Company: ClearView Audio price: $ 349 official website: wooden iPhone cases

Dandelion Wooden iPhone 5 Case

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Two wine bottles design

On many people,, wine, are is very important of props, is a wonderful night of beginning, it can brings psychedelic, also can is emboldened, let a or romantic or unpredictable of story on such staged ~ so, in immediately and ushered in a wine and dinner of consumption peak Shi, love rare for everyone brings has two paragraph the has features of wine bottle packaging design, hope everyone like ~ Otterbox commuter S4 review

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1, the stars: Max Amato designs from are still students. This package uses a two-layer design, when the outer layer of white being stripped, shows, it is black-the stars-drew attention to the inside of the packaging, it was some of the folding process, when it is turned on, open like a supernova ~

Designer: Max Amato country: United States website: S4 commuter Otterbox

2, dark Agave from Hungary designers Csaba Bern á th designs, this package style is dark enough to let anyone in after you open the package can't help but exclaim "awesome"-Yes, coffin-like box, coffin-like bottle ... ... Lets get drunk they die it ~

Designer: Csaba Bern á th country: Hungary Web:

Le Pen (Le Pen), writing music

From designer Yang Shuai (sound, Yang Shuai) creativity, (Le Pen) swing of homework can be turned into musical output, and homework is no longer a tedious burden, but all the beautiful melody.

Ted Baker iPhone 6 Plus Case - Tanalia Oil Blossom

Designer: Yang Shuai (sound, Yang Shuai) Ted Baker iPhone 6 plus cover

Monday, August 10, 2015

"Love rare direct purchase" strengths of zinc alloy ring ~iCircle protective case bracket

ICircle from Taiwan, unique ring design zinc alloy, strengths, fingers together, iPhone5S will be stood up, straight across without any pressure.

Great design can make iPhone5S a proud posture stands: vertical-reading/browsing, horizontal a movie/game or handwritten input mode, ergonomic design makes a perfect point of support, whether video or text input, you can find the most comfortable angle. Big Hero

Love strange love rare Pat shop Taobao shop, for sale.

"Product features"-stylish convenience-stunning industrial design with high quality-direct adjustment of the horizontal direction in all four zinc alloy five-link-unique design-ultra lightweight design

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"Product information" name: iCircle crust bracket |iPhone5S protection manufacture: Taiwan Rolling AVE origin: China Taiwan applies: supports iPhone5/5s color: multi color optional packaging: exquisite paper tray, as shown in Figure material: zinc alloy ring +PC plastic casing (rugged) weight: *g including: Mobile Shell *1, shock protection * 1, Sling *1

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Sunday, August 9, 2015

"Love is new House fair" will get you scared of building

Zhiqian, Turkey a c anakkale Antenna Tower design competition was held, gave birth to many wonderful works, including rare introduced before "ring", and so weird now, before this contest has published several works, let us take a look at, is there anything beyond the limits of human imagination designs, haha:

First is an elegant 8-character building--why is it called such a name? This is because, looking from the side of the building, is like a figure "8". It is the most wonderful, the whole body of the building is provided with rail, it is like a roller-coaster run transparent glass panoramic cabin, visitors can sit in it, and then helicopter hundreds meters, enjoy the panorama of the landscape, and the flow of urine in fear of "good mood", haha.

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Second is the winner of the design competition, this amounts to a big hoops, hoops in the midst of lush mountains. In terms of features, is the integration of the tourist trails and extreme sports Tower (also Tower), can relax people honking urine ~ iPhone 4 waterproof case

Finally, other great works, if it can be built, it can be considered a classic, and we appreciate, haha:

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Three-toothpaste, use a closed a

Remember your face a little toothpaste in trouble? That is, as the toothpaste with less each toothpaste when part will have run had used up half again, then next time when squeezed, and starting from the tail, roll up ... ... solar powered light

Korea designers brought three-toothpaste (Zipper Tube), tubes of toothpaste, and set up two similar bags easy sealing zipper, after squeezing out a, it stuck and that seal has been burnishing, more convenient to let the rest of the toothpaste. solar light

Friday, August 7, 2015

Magnetic hanger, gently sucking on a fixed

From Germany Flow Design Studio design, magnetic hanger (Cliq), with the appearance of simplicity and lightness, it is the elegance of wood bent into curves – but you can see that it's unusual, Yes, it didn't hook up! Spongebob iPhone 5 case

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It is about how to hang up the clothes? The original, hidden at the top of the hanger with magnet, can absorb on the metal clothes rod, its powerful suction, and at least 2 kilograms weight can, most of the clothing can be done easily ~ Spongebob iPhone case

Have been listed, is available for sale here:

Design: Flow Design

Thursday, August 6, 2015

3D pregnant mom calendar

This is Japan an absolute from Dentsu nice design, 3D pregnant calendar (Bell-Net Mother Book), specially prepared for pregnant mothers, thick in the calendar, every page is a gestational age, and through the hollow of varying sizes on the page, to form a progressive swollen belly ~ Taktik iPhone 5 case

Each page there will be a written on top, baby of the week tells you, and changes in your body. Blank place, are reserved for the mother to record their moods. Taktik iPhone5

Video introduction:

Picture description:

Design: Dentsu

Metal Lunatik Taktik Extreme Case for iPhone 5 - Black

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Iphone 4 6 Plus L. V. State Synthetic Leather

Apple designer iPhone 6 case And L. V. Case Synthetic LeatherNWT

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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

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Monday, August 3, 2015

A retractable table: Sinan Table

Ideas from New York designer Ian Stell, Sinan is a retractable Table coffee table – it must be noted that this is not a simple piece, but because of this complex, offers a fascinating power:

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On the specific video. Did you see? Hinge structure of the table using some kind of complex, so it is a scalable automatic doors, but quiet and smooth ... ...


Sunday, August 2, 2015

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

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Different strokes, different folks. Love unusual today to recommend a little big idea but fried chicken something practical. Charging Bao, HA HA, true is required as well. Ooh, man if that is not at all romantic fly ticket gave me a road charge treasure, I'll cry Halo in the toilet ... ...

This design brand for Canada konnet (An Lite) charge of treasure, and nothing else, is to keep your "face". Evangelion and Hello Kitty is my love, Garfield is the way I hate wood ... ... Little twin star and my melody, who assure themselves did not pursue the dream of pink when I was young it ~ Victoria Secret iPhone

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6000mAh large-capacity lithium-ion rechargeable battery, mini portable mobile power supply that allows iPhone, iPad and other charge anytime, anywhere. Cell phones can make 2-3, Tablet rush 1~2 (this data is for informational purposes only, subject to the actual full number). Rechargeable with LED lights for the entire process when prompted, Oh Victoria Secret pink iPhone Plus case

Cartoon image of legitimate authorization! Interested in purchasing, please go love rare official Taobao ~